Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"As Allison as the nose on Plain's face."

We need to talk about Allison "Her" Williams, again, forever. Not really.

So I'm clicking around on the old Internet with misogynistic impunity due to my male rape privilege and on old Jezebel (not to say that age or culturally designated aesthetic appeal defines you Jezebel. You are a complete person and I respect you and value you as a fellow human being) and there I see a piece on GIRLS star and eternal last bridesmaid to be chosen, Allison Williams, a.k.a. "That one". So she works on the TV. That's her profession and I don't know why. She occasionally, just as we all do, runs across some smug dickbag that is SO extra proud that they don't own a TV. Jezebel, who I assumed needed something legitimate to give their interns to do now that the jig is up, wrote an article about it. So when Allison "No, I meant the other one" Williams, who again, inexplicably has a career on scripted television, meets one of these stoic TV deniers, does the following:

“I always say very dryly and very honestly, ‘You should invest in one. I’m not even saying you would necessarily like our show. But TV is so good right now.’”

That's it. That all of it. That is the article. That is her reaction. That's everything. It's a high school HJ and you don't even get to finish.

I don't... Why do people like her so much?! She is so...just there. She is your pretty friend, not GORGEOUS, just pretty. "She's nice". The one you have to give really specific, yet vague compliments to, because she's hard to describe, because there is nothing really to describe...
"She's got great skin on her elbows."
"She likes sandwiches, I think."
"She's really good at proofreading."

She's a basic bitch; the most basic of basic bitches. She exists. I'm sure she's a lovely person and that's the problem, I feel like that the only thing you can say about her; that you feel like she's lovely. Ann Veal Lovely

OK I'm done.

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